F.A.I.R. Solutions

F.A.I.R. Solutions

Molly K. Olson


Case Consultant



Assisting: individuals, two people,
small groups, large groups, and organizations

Case Consultant

Case Consultant

The family court process can be overwhelming and intimidating. What happens in family court can affect the rest of your life and can impact your kids for the rest of their life. Most parents only go through custody and parenting time battles once in their lifetime. Typically a divorce lawyer is the first call for help. However, the family court process also includes a long list of other practitioners that may be assigned to your case. The process includes terms, specific paperwork, processes, and methods of communicating that can create uncertainty for the average person. Attorney’s are busy. They often do not have the time to explain enough of the details to help you tell your story, or help you know how to best navigate the process, help you understand what is expected and why. and what is needed to explain your side of the story. Attorneys often have their own “lingo” that may at times feel like a foreign language. Hiring a case consultant can help interpret what is needed in lay person terms and take some of the mystery out of the process and help ensure that you do everything you can to fight for justice in your case. Generally, your attorney won’t fight harder for you than you are willing to fight for yourself. What is normal in “real life” is not always “normal” in the family court process. What is “logical/common sense” in “real life” is not always “logical/common sense” in the family court process.

A case consultant is used when the other parent is not willing to find mutual win-win agreements and you have been forced into the litigation process and you want to make sure you do everything right, every step of the way, but you feel like your attorney is creating more questions and uncertainty than they are giving you or answering.

Case Consultant Services Provided

  • navigate the divorce, separation, custody, and parenting time process
  • tell your story with clarity
  • decipher “attorney speak”
  • understand what facts and evidence are likely important and what is not
  • understanding the significance of custody evaluations and what type of preparation is needed and how to combat them when they unfairly go against you without just cause
  • analyze mediated agreements before signing to ensure important details that provide utmost clarity to prevent future problems

Your Next Steps

  1. Fill out and return intake form

2. Schedule free no obligation consult/orientation

3. Ask about flyers

  • How Lawyers Can Partner With A Case Consultant
  • How A Parent Can Benefit From A Case Consultant
  • Why Labels are Important: Legal Custody (Sole/Joint), Physical Custody (Sole/Joint), Primary Parent (or not), Primary/Joint Residence
  • Important Things to Consider and Know

    Parenting Classes
    These are not the only classes available, but a “short list” of programs accepted by courts.

    Children in Between by The Center for Divorce Education

    Bridging Parental Conflict by The Bridging Center

    Parents Forever – in person

    Parents Forever – online

    Critical Statutes, Documents, and Other Materials Relevant to Minnesota Family Court

    Molly K Olson