F.A.I.R. Solutions

F.A.I.R. Solutions

Molly K. Olson


Case Consultant



Assisting: individuals, two people,
small groups, large groups, and organizations


Mediation | Case Consultant | Speaking | Training

Discovering, Sharing, Fulfilling A Vision For A Better Future

Improve and Strengthen Interpersonal Relationships Through:
• More Effective Communication
• Developing Conflict Resolution Skills
• Collaborative Win-Win Problem Solving

Congratulations and thank you … if you have landed on this page, you are likely interested in exploring ways to reduce and resolve conflict, increase problem solving, seek resolution to challenging issues, restore relationships, and improve effectiveness of communication within relationships that are important to you, and/or needed to achieve goals.

Seeking an outside expert to improve your communication and relationship skills, and gaining new insight about how to make work and/or personal relationships better, is just as important as it is to reach out to outside experts for tax advice, real estate advice, medical advice, or other issues that arise in our lives and create uncertainty and challenge.

Personal empowerment leads to taking individual responsibility. Learning specific steps to do things different and better will lead to your own interpersonal success, improvement of interpersonal relationships, and the very rewarding experience of developing a deeper appreciation and understanding that leads to less guessing, more clarity, and more satisfying win-win outcomes and building respectful relationships.

Critical times of conflict test our character like nothing else … but conflict is not something to be afraid of or ignore. Good things are often waiting on the other side of your conflict. If there is authenticity in the dialogue, there is almost always a way to resolve differences, especially if we value the relationships. Building trust and respect and creating win-win solutions is possible; but honesty, introspection, and being open and willing to see things different and be changed by new information is necessary.

Services Provided – providing over 20 years experience to help you:

Molly K Olson